I just recently posted a full blog recap on our week long trip to Black Prong Equestrian Village with my two horses, Mia and Scottie, my fiancé John and our 4 month old son (at the time). I figured it would also be helpful to make a post regarding the *very* extensive packing list I had for the trip. (The only thing I didn't have on the list was Johns bag, which he was responsible for packing.) Let me know if you have any questions by commenting at the bottom or the blog or sending me an email! If you haven't checked out the trip breakdown, I'll link it- here.
We stayed a total of 8 days with two of them being travel days and the weather was anywhere from the low 20's to the mid 70's. We placed a delivery order from Whole Foods to be dropped off at our cottage the day we arrived so we didn't need to worry about bringing any groceries. I also took my trailer in for its annual service prior to the trip, so while thats not necessarily on the checklist it's very important to make sure your trailer is ready for a long haul!
Horse Checklist:
- Coggins
- Hay
- Hay nets
- Bagged grain for AM/PM each day
- Treats
- Treat pouch
- Extension cords
- Trailer emergency kit
- Trailer first aid kit
- Hose
- Water buckets
- Feed buckets
- Pitchfork
- Small wheelbarrow
- Broom
- Leaf blower (Didn't bring this but I wish I had one to blow the isle!)
- Fans (Didn't bring this because the weather was so nice but added it to the list for the future)
- Step stool
- Bathing supplies (Shampoo, conditioner, sweat scraper)
- Grooming box (Brushes, curry comb, hoof pick, hair brush) - Fly spray
- Show sheen
- Hoof dressing
- Scissors
- Extra halters/lead rope
- Fly masks
- Blankets
- Saddles
- Girths
- Saddle pads
- Bridles
- Boots for horses
- Bell boots
- Leg wraps
- Poultice and paper
- Tack soap and sponge
- Lunge whip
- Dressage whip
- Helmet
- Riding boots
- Gloves
Sarah's Checklist:
- Wallet
- Phone charger
- Headphones
- Laptop charger
- Laptop
- Planner
- Sunglasses
- Supplements
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Floss
- Hairbrush
- Hair ties
- Hair products
- Shampoo
- Conditioner
- Body wash
- Body lotion
- Face wash
- Face products
- Razor
- Underwear
- Sports bras
- Nursing bras
- Short socks
- Tall riding socks
- Jeans
- Riding pants
- Leggings
- Long sleeve tops
- Loungewear
- Pajamas
- Puffy vest
- Sweaters
- Hat
- Bathing suit
- Sneakers
- Combat boots
Charlie's Checklist:
- Baby carrier
- Diaper bag
- Car seat
- Uppababy stroller
- Aquaphor
- Baby lotion
- Baby body wash
- Baby first aid kit
- 2 Bags of baby wipes
- Diapers
- Bottle
- Frozen breastmilk
- Breast pump
- Pumping bras
- Toys
- Blanket
- Pack-n-play
- Pack-n-play mattress
- Owlet baby monitor/cord
- Sound machine
- Bandanas/bibs
- Warm clothes
- Mittens
- Booties
- Socks
- Onesies
- Pants
- Pajamas
- Sleep sacks
Misc. Items:
- Cooler
- Car snacks
- Wine (A necessity to bring of course *wink wink*)
- Human first aid kit
- Water bottle
- Shaker cup
- Electrolytes
- Blanket