👉🏻How many days a week should you exercise?👈🏻
➖ What is your primary goal? If you’re simply trying to move your body then 2-3x/week. If you have a more specific goal such as building muscle mass or weight loss then probably closer to 4-6x/week.
➖ Are you training for a competition or event? Competitions/events are specific goals so if you want to be fully prepared then you need to train for it. Ex. a spartan race with multiple components- cardiovascular endurance, strength training, odd objects & grip. Could you do that in 2-3 days? Maybe, but it’ll be more to your benefit to exercise closer to 4-6 to fully prepare.
➖ Are you currently exercising & how long have you been consistently exercising for? Alright, this is important. If you haven hit the gym in a hot minute small with 2-3x/week. Create momentum & build the habits that will crate discipline for long term success. Plus, your body is going to need adequate time between workouts to recover properly. 😉 Going from 0-100 creates burnout.
➖ What does your diet look like? This is definitely more of a loaded question, but the point is simple. To perform at your best you need an adequate intake of calories & nutrients to support those goals.
➖ What do your stress levels look like & how well do you handle stress? Ooooo stress. We all handle it differently. For some the gym can be a form of release, but for others it isn't. If you know that you have a stressful week ahead of you, but you’re the type to find peace in exercising then create time for it. However, if it doesn't then opt for a walk or yoga.
➖ How much sleep do you get per night? Getting adequate sleep every night is SO important in properly recovering from your exercise. If you’re only getting 5-6 hours per night, IMO the focus should be on getting more sleep not more exercise.
➖ Finally, how much time do you have to train? I think this is a key point a lot of people forget about. If you have a lot on your plate & are only able to commit to 3x a week with 30 minute sessions, THAT IS OKAY! Just be sure to also have a good reality check on your goals & the time frame.
If you have any questions or are interested in 1:1 strength coaching, email me at slynnmfitness@gmail.com
