The face you make when its lunch time & you packed a good ol’ sandwich. 😍
LOL. Jokes aside, this may be an unexciting post but a big hang up for some clients is learning to cook healthier foods, & in particular veggies, that actually taste good.
Trust me, I hear you.
I’ve cooked plenty of veggies in my day that I’ve tried to convince myself taste good but they were gross. BUT NOT ANYMORE. Here are some go-to veggie cookin’ recipes. (Also, credit needs to go to John & his chef skills because he’s the mastermind behind most of these.)
➖ Zucchini & Squash: Chop off the ends, stick into a spiralizer & make some zoodles! Flash fry them in a pan with some light olive oil, sea salt & black pepper.
➖ Asparagus: Cut off about 1 inch. from the bottom & put them in an air fryer at 390 until they’re crispy with olive oil & sea salt. Make sure to shake every couple minutes so they cook evenly.
➖ Broccoli: Cut into small pieces & cook them in the air fryer at 390 until they’re crispy. Similar to asparagus we just use some light olive oil & sea salt. Make sure to only put enough so they’re in 1 layer & shake every couple of minutes until they’re burnt on the top.
➖ Sweet Potatoes: Yes, these are also going in the air fryer. Cut them up into evenly sized fries. Coat with some light olive oil & sea salt & chuck them in the air fryer at 390 until they’re crispy. I like mine burnt so I’ll leave them in for a while. Just depends on how much you want them cooked! Make sure to shake them every couple min.
➖ Brown & Jasmine Rice: I dig them both simply boiled in a sauce pan with water & some salt/pepper. Per 1 cup of rice I’ll do 1 cup of water. Bring the water to a boil, turn down to a simmer, add the rice & let it cook for 5-7 minutes or until all the water is absorbed. Make sure to stir every few minutes.
