Yes- It is possible to make your lifts more challenging without increasing weight. 🤯
But how? Great question. 😉
➖ Increase time under tension by adding a tempo. Instead of knocking out 10 DB goblet squats, add in a tempo of 3030. Meaning 3 sec. on the way down + 3 sec. on the way up.
➖ Decrease rest time between your sets. Instead of taking the traditional :45-:90 sec. between your sets (depending on the exercise) drop it down to :20-:30 sec. rest.
➖ Superset multiple exercises together. After your done with your DB squats, instead of resting, drop the weights and knock out 20 bodyweight reverse lunges.
➖ Add in pause or half reps to the movement. Drop down to the bottom of your squat and hold for anywhere from 2-10 sec., or drop down, come up half way, go back to the bottom and then stand.
➖ Instead of going with the traditional 2-5 sets w/ "x" rest, change the structure to an AMRAP or EMOM! Let's say your workout had 3x10 of DB lunges, glute bridges, tricep kickbacks and push ups. Change it into an EMOM with those same movements but work for :30 sec. and rest for :30 sec.!
Don't forget to save for later! If you hate programming your own workouts, then just shoot me an email at and let's chat. 🏋🏼♀️
