If you think an effective strength program means changing up your exercises every week & adding bands, squat pulses or a bosu ball to "shock the system".. I'm here to tell you that you're probably overthinking it & missing the point.
Simplicity is effective & I'll stand by that training principle until my face turns blue.
➖ Squat, bench, deadlift & overhead press for QUALITY OF MOVEMENT.
➖ Add in accessory work & single joint exercises to work on weaknesses/correct imbalances.
➖ Improve mobility through working your joints in a full range of motion.
➖ Gradually build your work capacity with purposeful cardio.
➖ If you find that you hit a plateau you can "switch things up" by messing with tempos, isometric holds, drop sets, intervals, rest periods, percentages & overall intensity.
& If you're interested in learning more about what exactly goes into creating a well-rounded strength & conditioning program👉🏻 email me at slynnmfitness@gmail.com
